Support for Conexis®
Here you can find all the FAQs for support with your Conexis® Smart Door Lock.

Getting Started
Is Conexis® compatible with my door?
The Conexis® works with most multi-point locks on the market. To check your door's compatibility, click here.
Where can I download the Conexis® App?
The Conexis® L1 App can be downloaded from the iOS App Store & the Google Play Store by searching ‘Conexis® L1’.
Conexis® L2 users should download the Yale Home App from the iOS App Store & the Google Play Store by searching ‘Yale Home’.
You must be a UK or Irish resident to be able to download this app.
How can I unlock my Conexis® Smart Door lock?
You can unlock the Conexis® L1 Smart Lock a number of ways: Phone Tag, Key Tag or Key Card or the Conexis L1 app.
You can unlock the Conexis® L2 Smart Lock a number of ways: Phone Tag, Key Tag or Key Card or the Yale Home app.
How to Lock the Conexis® Smart Door lock
Simply lift the handle and listen to the sound. Then test the handle to ensure the door is locked.

How do lock my Conexis® with the Thumbturn?
Step 1: Lift the handle to lock
Step 2: Rotate the thumbturn on the inside of the handle 180 degrees to lock
How do I Send Virtual keys?
To learn how to send virual keys, watch our helpful video here.
How do I add credentials to my Conexis® Smart Door Lock?
Credentials can be added via the Yale Conexis® L1 App. For the Conexis L2, you can follow set-up guidance here.

Step 1: Press the cog at the top left of the unlock screen

Step 2: In the preferences menu, select account

Step 3: In the account menu, select purchase key credit

Step: 4 Confirm payment.
How do I operate the Conexis® L1 Smart Lock through my smartphone
There are two ways that you will have access to the lock.
Either you will be the primary user and will have paired your phone to the lock (there can only be 1 primary user per lock) or you will have received a virtual key for the lock.
Once you have access you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Press the unlock button on the app

Step 2: Touch the Bluetooth button on the front of the lock which will start glowing blue.
The Conexis® L1 will emit a single beep when it starts communicating with the phone. If it does not do this, please check that the Bluetooth is switched on, on your phone.
Basic Functionality
Can I pair more than one phone with the same Conexis® Smart Door Lock?
Yes, however, the admin user has control over who has access to the door lock. They can give an unlimited number of people access via sharing a Virtual Keys with them.
My Conexis® Key Card, Key Tag and Phone Tags (credentials) are not working
Before the app has been downloaded, the cards and tags can be 'learnt in' manually into the lock by pressing the R button and offering each Key Card/ Tag one by one.
Once you have learnt in all of your Keycards/tags press the R button, this will store the Cards/ Tags into the lock.
What does the British Kitemark mean on my Conexis®?
The BSI Kitemark brings reassurance to UK homeowners ensuring both the mechanical and electronic security of smart products is of the highest standard.
The new locking standard adopted by the British Standard Institute (BSI) is known as TS621:2018 and will become the recognised UK standard for smart locking devices.
To achieve the standard, the Conexis® L1 & L2 have undergone rigorous testing, including quality & durability tests as well as physical attack testing.
It also underwent electronic manipulation and assessments designed to test the electronic security of the lock to ensure it is secure against advanced hacking methods.
Can I use my existing Keyless Connected Key Cards/Key Tags with my new Conexis® Smart Door Lock?
Yes, they can be paired with up to 7 locks.
Does Conexis® Auto Re-Lock?
No, a mechanical multipoint lock mechanism cannot be locked without lifting the handle when it is in an unlocked state.
The lock will, however, relock after 30 seconds if it is unlocked and the lever handle is never depressed (so the multipoint lock is still in a locked state).
The purpose of this is that if you accidentally unlock the handle it will secure itself after 30 seconds.
Why is an alarm on my Conexis® going off?
Either the plug has been disconnected or the wires have been pinched during installation. The alarm can be cancelled by holding the ‘R’ button as the lock is started.
Re-check connections and wiring.
What is a Virtual Key?
Virtual Keys are a secure, encrypted Bluetooth Key that enables you to unlock your Conexis® Smart Door lock via your phone. virtual keys can be shared with friends and family*
*Yale Conexis® L1app must be downloaded on all users phones. If you have the Conexis® L2, all users must have the Yale Home app.
If I send a Virtual Key to someone, do they also need to have the App?
Yes, the reason for this is that when a user installs the app it sets up a secure keyring on their phone. This means that when you then send them a virtual key it is stored securely on the phone itself.
What is a Key Owner?
A Key Owner is the admin user that controls the administrative functions of the lock. Including sharing virtual Keys and the addition of Key Cards, Key Tags and Phone Tags.
There will only be one Key Owner per lock, however, the Key Owner can transfer this ownership to another user if desired. (via the app).
Does Conexis® work with Apple Homekit?
No, our Conexis® locks are not HomeKit compatible.
Does it work with Samsung Smarthings?
The Conexis® does work with Samsung Smarthings. The integration can be achieved by purchasing a Z wave module 2.
How do I add credentials to my Conexis® L1 Smart Door Lock?
Credentials can be added via the Yale Conexis® L1 App.

Step 1: Press the cog at the top left of the unlock screen

Step 2: In the preferences menu, select account

Step 3: In the account menu, select purchase key credit

Step 4: Confirm payment.
How is my Conexis® Smart Door Lock powered?
4 x AA Alkaline batteries. It is not possible to use rechargeable batteries with the Conexis® L1 & Conexis® L2 as rechargeable batteries have a lower voltage.
Can I use rechargeable batteries in my Conexis® L1 & L2 Smart Door Lock?
No, the Conexis® Smart Door Locks require non-rechargeable alkaline batteries. The reason for this is that rechargeable batteries give a lower voltage than alkaline AA batteries.
What is the battery life of my Conexis® Smart Door Lock?
Based on average usage the battery life is expected to last for approximately 1 year.
The lock will play an audible tune as a ‘battery low’ warning when the batteries are approaching expiration.
To check the current battery level, please check this in the ‘my locks’ section of the app (this battery level is updated every time the door is unlocked using the app).
Can I connect the Conexis® L1 with my Yale Sync Alarm system?
Yes, if you have the Yale Sync Module fitted in your Conexis® L1, and you have an alarm system from the Smart Home Range.
To pair your module to a Yale Smart alarm:
Remove batteries from the lock.
Insert the module and replace the batteries.
Allow the lock to power up and wait for the lock to sound before proceeding.
Go into the Yale Smart Living Alarm app, Settings, Lock Settings, Add New Device.
Add a new lock
Follow on screen instructions from the app
Is the Conexis® Smart Door Lock PAS24 compliant?
Yes, Conexis® Smart Door Lock has achieved this accreditation as part of a full door test. PAS24 is a method for testing and assessing the enhanced security performance requirements of external doorsets, comprising of the door and also the lock.
Does my smartphone need an active sim card?
Yes, this is required for the Yale Conexis® L1 App or Yale Home app (for Conexis® L2 users) to be fully functional. 3G /4G/5G connection is also required.
I have run out of credits on my Conexis® L1app.
Extra key credits can be purchased via the Conexis® app. See instructions below.

Step 1: Press the cog at the top left of the unlock screen

Step 2: In the preferences menu, select account

Step 3: In the account menu, select purchase key credit

Step 4: Confirm payment.
How do I add/ remove Key Cards, Key Tags, Phone Tags to my Conexis® L1 SDL?
The first card/tag will be added during installation by pressing the R button on the internal handle, this will make the light on the outside handle turn purple.
Put the card/tag on the outside handle and it will flash green. Please now push the R button again.
All subsequent credentials should be added through the app via the Key Owner (admin user).
To do this:

Step 1: Open the Conexis® L1 App. Tap to unlock, then press top right “little key icon”

Step 2: Click “My Yale Locks” pop up

Step 3: Tap for settings

Step 4: Click cards and tags, then add new card/tag - bottom button

Step 5: Fill pop-up to name the tag

Step 6: Press Bluetooth wakeup button on lock, then present your card or tag on the lock. You'll see a tag added message “users updated”
The credential (Key Card/Key Tag/Phone Tag) will now be able to open the Conexis® L1 Smart Door Lock. You can add up to 50 credentials of any variation (Key Tags/ Key Cards/ Phone tags)
My Conexis® Is Not Locking or Unlocking
Make sure the handing procedure has been performed according to page 15 of the manual.
If the problem persists please check if the lock can be locked through the thumbturn. If it cannot, please carry out a factory reset.

Step 1: Hold in R button for 15 seconds

Step 2: Push the handle down

Step 3: Pull the handle up
Conexis® L1 Smart Door Lock will not connect with the app
Please ensure you have paired a Key Card/Key Tag/ Phone Tags (credentials) to the lock first.
Please remove a battery out of the lock, once this has been done close the application, leave the lock un-powered for 30 seconds, reapply the power and open the Conexis® Application.
Add the lock through the application.
My Conexis® Smart Door Lock doesn't lock when I lift the handle.
If you can't lock your Conexis® by lifting the handle and the motor is not engaging, you shoud lift the handle, push and twist the thumbturn in a clockwise direction and your handle will be locked.
Simply push & twist the thumbturn anti-clockwise to unlock.
Watch our video to learn more here.
The external handle on my Conexis® L1 Smart Door Lock operates normally, but the inside handle does not

Please ensure that the thumbturn on the internal side has not been touched/moved until stated in the manual as this will turn the actuator into the incorrect position.
My Conexis® Smart Door Lock is making an unusual sound
If a series of beeps are heard from the Conexis L1, this means the handle has not been lifted into the correct position meaning it is not locked.
If it is playing a series of notes (i.e. a tune) this will be the low battery warning. It could be an alignment issue, please see page 8 of the manual.
What Happens If I Lose One of My Credentials?
Credentials can only be deleted by the admin user via the Yale Conexis® L1 App or in the Yale Home App (for L2 users)
My Conexis® Smart Door Lock will not pair/talk to the app
Please press the “Tap here to add your lock” button in your app.
- If you don't see the “Tap here to unlock button”, tap the Key in the top right of the screen, “Tap My Locks”
- Tap the 'Add lock button' in the top right of the screen.
When prompted to press the R button on the internal handle, then press the glowing purple button on the front of the lock
You should now hear the lock emit a single beep as it connects to the phone, if it does not do this please check that your Bluetooth is on.
The light on the front of the lock should then go green and make a fanfare noise.
You should now be able to unlock via your phone. If there are any issues with this process, please make sure you have a stable internet connection and try again.
Only 1 phone should be paired like this, which will then become the primary user.
Keys can then be shared from the master user's phone to all subsequent users.